Darshan is astral rap, liturgical jazz, audio alchemy. Harmonizing Hebrew chant with hip-hop, folk rock with electro-pop, love poetry with kabbalistic psychology, Darshan is a unique and organic weave of world wisdom traditions and modern musical styles. At its core, Darshan is the creative and contemplative collaboration between Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit and Eden "Eprhyme" Pearlstein. Together, these two juxtapose diverse sounds and styles in an artistic act of bridge building. The group is exceptionally versatile, playing both stripped down acoustic (and even a capella) sets, as well as full force, multi-instrumental concerts. Fans uncomfortable or unfamiliar with hip-hop are able to appreciate this complex and moving music when it's slowed down and softened up. The big, plugged-in, live band festival and club sets resonate with the younger and/or more rock-oriented crowd. As Modern Midrash Makers, Darshan is able to offer a wide variety of presentations, including facilitated text study sessions, shabbatons, melaveh malkas, children's programs and weddings. * * * Shir Yaakov is a Master of Melody who has given birth to hauntingly beautiful liturgical chants, used in havurot and synagogues around the world. Eprhyme is a Radical Jewish Rennaissance Rapper. Together they create something all together new, and at the same time ancient. Deep and probing rhymes blend with evocative and uplifting melodies in "an uncompromising blend of urban forms and neo-Hasidic spirituality." —The Forward. The title of Darshan's first EP — Lishmah — comes from a profound Judaic concept. Commonly understood as meaning "for it's own sake", the term lishmah is usually applied to the proper state of mind for Torah study. Not for fame, money, or power — but merely for the simple joy of doing. It is in this spirit that Darshan's first album was created Lishmah, purely for the simple of joy and fulfillment of Being what we are Doing. |
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