In the Light of the Infinite book series, Erez Safar , helps readers to fall in love with life, and become light through weekly bursts of ancient Jewish mystic inspiration! Light of the Infinite’s goal is …
This Shabbat is the yahrzeit of my mom (Frida Levona bat Shalom), it doesn’t seem real that a year has passed. These dvar Torahs and this sefer ( Light of Infinite ) is an …
This new Moshav song for the prayer, משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם, is incredible! A prayer for the rain. The hills are on fire. The oceans are rising. This is the …
I love writing, I love making music and I dig it when people dig into either, but speaking in public or doing interviews I generally shy away from, but when …
ChodeshTov! Check out our new Tote/Tallit bags available in our Shop and @ The Jewish people and calendar revolve around the moon and its many phases, to give some perspective, we …
Exile And Redemption is a fitting description for a time of social distance, but have you ever attended a Neo-Hasidic Rock Opera? Enter Philadelphia-based songwriter Aryeh Shalom, a man of …
We started making our consciously sourced masks during the epidemic with supplies that we had on hand and it became a hot item since we are all facing a new …
The Shemspeed fest live-stream was so incredible and also proved that there is such a need for this and that the platform we built works!!;) So were thinking it may be …