The Most Hated Rap
We have been meaning to get down with Sneakas for a while, but our paths hadn’t crossed till the I-Jam/Shemspeed Rap Fest where he was one of the many performers who rocked it after the Israel Day Parade. We heard a little bit about his new rap duo with Mazzi called The Most Hated, which basically combines him (a Jewish MC) and Mazzi (A Muslim MC) on a slew of tracks which use rhymes to explore and voice their point of views. The interesting and unique thing about the duo is that unlike other unity MCs that will often hold in their real beliefs and focus on some of the more subtle light commonalities between the two artists, they focus on the differences and voice them while respecting each other. We took special interest in this because it fits in with our Hip Hop Sulha series that we have done all over the world. The series focuses on bringing together Artists from Jewish and Muslim backgrounds and giving them a safe place to perform their art and learn from one another while the audience does the same. The proceeds from the concerts are always donated to organizations that foster Israeli and Palestinian coexistence initiatives through arts and sciences. The Most Hated Artists are about to begin a similar tour joined by the Hebrew Mamita and sponsored by MC Serch. Check back at Shemspeed’s events page for the Tug of War/Hip Hop SUlha NYC show!
oh and ch-ch-ch-eck this video below: